Shared Rhythms.

We are seeking to organise our lives and spiritual formation around three priorities – being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus did – and to curate simple, Spirit-filled rhythms for each.

Once you have moved through the “shared stories” stage as a group, exploring these three core rhythms is the bread and butter of your life as a group. To help you with this, we’ve created year-long journals.


// The Journal //

In your Pattern journals you will find pages like the example one below to help you track your journey with Jesus as a group. Each fortnight you try and articulate with honesty how you are doing and with hope for where you want to be. You then curate practices to help you get there: one to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did.

Now it’s time to start exploring ways of being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and doing what Jesus did (coming very soon!)