We create and support redemptive enterprises purposed to break cycles of poverty and marginalisation. We want to build a diverse ecology of small enterprises that generate opportunities for meaningful work, mentoring, up-skilling and employment.

St Basil was known as the first christian social entrepreneur.

St Basil sought to tackle the needs of the most vulnerable in a holistic manner. 

Having ministered to many in the region who were experiencing famine, St Basil realised that meeting the immediate needs of his community through the provision of food, wouldn’t bring lasting change. Many were sick, entrenched in poverty and had no access to education or skills, so St Basil began to teach trades, started enterprises and sought to break cycles of poverty and marginalisation by enabling people to stand on their own two feet.

An Ecology of Enterprises

  • In some cases as a church community we will seed fund, own and run small redemptive enterprises. You can read more about our first enterprise – Holy Fool Coffee – here.

  • We’re looking to partner with individuals or small organisitions who would like to set up or grow an enterprise in partnership with St Basils. These are reviewed on a case by case basis, in line with the vision and values of St Basil’s redemptive enterprises.

  • For those in our church community who are already running redemptive enterprises, we seek to provide support, expertise, prayer and mentoring. The community seeks to support one another through gathering together regularly - we meet once a month for breakfast and an evening once a term. We also organise PANELS, a more formal way of resourcing individual enterprises/owners.

Ways to get involved

  • Monday 13th May | 7.30am - 8.45am

    If you’d like to meet with this group, please email Becky to find out more.

    The purpose of this time is to make space for conversation, be inspired by stories, share wins, challenges and pray for each other. It’s a space where collaborations and ideas form and grow. Updates/news from the group will be shared here, panels organised etc.

  • Gather to be inspired: We’ll meet together for an interview/ guest speaker/ discussion forum etc.

    The next evening is TBC

  • These are smaller ‘panels’ that gather around an idea or a business to bring experience, expertise, whiteboard ideas/ build together.

    As ideas, ventures and projects take shape and become more concrete we’ll organize panels to workshop ideas with a small cross section of the group who have the relevant experience, skills and expertise.