Sunday 23rd July | Bill shares from the story of Mary Magdalene, and his experience of ministering in prison, how God’s transformative love in action can bring freedom in the areas of our lives where the enemy would want to steal, kill and destroy.


Sunday 30th July | Pete Davies shares from the Apostle’s Peter’s life and his own testimony. Change and freedom comes when we accept both the depths of our own brokenness, and the depths of God’s love for us.


Sunday 6th August | As we continue our "Turnaround" series, Tom Odgers takes a look at the story of the samaritan woman's encounter with Jesus at the well in John 4. Linking the story to the beatitudes, Tom unpacks how vital it is to realise we are poor in Spirit and how we experience the grace and power and love of Jesus most fully when we are at the end of ourselves and rely entirely on Him.


Sunday 13th August | Jude continues our series on lives that have been turnaround by the love of Jesus and takes a different perspective on the woman at the well from Tom's talk last week. Jude encourages us to see that God was at work in the woman's ordinary life, making it extraordinary. And she reminds us off the power of sharing the good news of Jesus with our communities"


Sunday 20th August |

